Sunday, February 8, 2009

Retreat Story: Part 2

We arrive at KD Guest Ranch and move our stuff into the cabins. They are more like suites than cabins. This is not roughin' it by any means. We then all gather upstairs in the lodge and just share some personal info to get to know one another. I knew most of these guys on at least a shallow level except for the two younger men. Jeremy (back center) was to lead us in worship and he brought his friend Todd (kneeling right) to join him for the weekend. After introductions and a few announcements from Hagg (middle row 2nd from right) we watched a video to set the direction of our weekend. Two minutes into the video it hits me like a ton of bricks that I left everything I needed for a demonstration back home. Somewhere in the rush and my head feelin like a balloon I walked out without them. My lovely wife to the rescue. (see her story @ Clay (back row right) then shared about the background and history of communion and then we shared Holy Communion together to begin the weekend. We head back to the cabins for food and laughs which were headlined by Rod (middle row second from left) and his ever famous Cookie story. It makes me laugh just thinkin of it. I lasted till 2 am. Up @ 7, read our devotional and head for grub @ 8. (scrambled eggs, taters, sausage, biscuits, oj, coffee. Too bad I couldn't taste it.) Great open discussion about our devotional followed breakfast. Here is a glimpse of our devotional.

"You will have to resist Christ in order to remain out of the will of God. What is it God wants to do in you? Have you allowed Him to complete what He has begun? He will not force you to recieve all that He has for your life. If God's work has not been brought to fruition in you, it is not that Christ has not been diligently working toward that end. Rather, you may need to release areas of your life to Him and be as determined to see God's work in you completed as Christ is."

Wow! Ouch! A great discussion followed with some real transparency. Every man shared and a lot was thrown out on the table. This was some GOOD stuff happening. Men being open and real. Not easily found in today's world.

We were then led in a time of worship by Jeremy. This is a a young man that understands what true worship is. He is wise beyond his years. He shared his heart and I was amazed and touched by his words and his God given gift. In times where worship is often thought of as just singing songs this young man understands it's a condition of our hearts. It is how we live our lives in everyday, ordinary cicumstances and situations. Jeremy took us to the heart of worship and we were all blessed. How awesome for a young college student to sacrifice his time to pour his heart out to a bunch of old guys. He was such a blessing and a source of encouragement to me. I pray our paths cross many times in our walks of faith.

There is so much more to share. I guess there will be part 3. Click on picture to biggie size us. : )


Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...

Sorry - that was me that posted and then deleted. Messed it up. Anyway, I would come to help you anytime! What a privilege to do ministry with you no matter where it takes us as long as we are together.

Anonymous said...

Yo wassup, wassup my brutha!! (screamin' this at cha!!)) Got my fat butt outta the bed the other morning @ 4:31a.m. (yuk!) to work on my temple and trim it up a little. While i do this i listen to the christian tv music and i caught Tenth Ave. North singing "By your side", the same song Jeremy played for us and asked us to just get quiet and bow our heads.......(kids!!) I was so reminded and uplifted by hearing this song again, it brought tears of joy to my eyes remembering the experience of the retreat. I thought I'd share the lyrics with you and hope and pray the others hit this site and are encouraged and filled with joy as i was while i remembered those sweet moments while Jeremy played, here goes:

Why are you striving these days
Why are you trying to earn grace
why are you crying
let me lift up your face
just don't turn away

why are you looking for love
why are you searching, as if i'm not enough
to where will you go child
tell me where will you run
to where will you run

and i'll be by your side
wherever you fall
in the dead of night
whenever you call
and please don't fight
these hands that are holding you
my hands are holding you

look at these hands and my side
that swallowed the grave on that night
when i drank the world's sin
so i could carry you in
and give you life
i want to give you life

(chorus 2x)

cause i, i love you
i want you to know
that i, i love you
i'll never let you go

(chorus 2x)

Hope these words encourage you. I went and bought the cd, i think its titled "over and underneath?" the entire thing is good so far.

I enjoyed seeing this site for the first time, let me encourage you to pursue it even stronger, i think the Lord could and will use it more and more to glorify himself thru your efforts!! You and Kim keep up the good work!

Also enjoyed the stories, especially the tire, just wish you hadn't shared all my baggage with everyone as you told the story.........ha!!

love ya bro!!


Kenny said...

Thanks Bro. Powerful moment for sure. That song has so much more meaning now. Thanks for your encouraging words. Coming from my mentor makes it oh so sweet. Thanks again and i love ya bro!