What is time?
Webster describes it as the following:
time:n 1. A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.
All I know is God created it, and He controls it. We only have the amount of time God chooses to give us on this earth. It is but a breath in relation to eternity.(Psalm 39:5)
Being a Fed Ex guy I interact with alot of people. Obviously I usually don't have deep meaningful conversations with all of them. But it is usually about the weather or how they can't wait until they get off work. At least 50% comment about how they can't wait till it's Friday. One particular customer counts down the days until Friday for me. "Four more days", is what I hear every Monday. What is so special about Friday? When it's Friday, Monday is only three days away!
I am and have been guilty of the same thing. I remember how I couldn't wait for school to be out. Couldn't wait to graduate. Couldn't wait to be 18 or 21. Couldn't wait to get married. Couldn't wait to have our own home. Couldn't wait for the kids to talk, walk, use the potty, feed themselves, go to school, drive themselves to wherever, graduate. Couldn't wait for payday! Couldn't wait for vacation. Couldn't wait for spring, summer, fall. I could go on forever if I haven't already.
Now I look back and see that all of these things I couldn't wait for have happened. It seems as if I wished it all away. Now I wish I had enjoyed every moment for that moment, not looking ahead and wanting to be somewhere else. I need to slow down and appreciate today. Right where I am. Whether it's Monday at work or Saturday at play it should be treasured. Everyday has value. Everyday is special.
Today is another gift from God. Will I treat it as a gift? Will I value and appreciate the 24 hours, the 1,440 minutes, the 86,200 seconds? Will I use it wisely? Will I spend it, waste it, or invest it? Is it possible to lose it?
I've always been one prone to looking ahead instead of enjoying the moment. Thanks for the reminder to treasure TODAY (even when my husband is gone and I'm alone with the kids all day long...lol)
Right on with this one! I've often caught myself doing the same things that you described. Seems to be another one of those wordly human tendencies..... God allows us moments that we have and I am starting to appreciate them wisely! Thanks man!
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