Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Some Good Stuff

Our vacation was such a blessing. Actually, my wife said it was more of a spiritual retreat than a vacation and I agree.

It was special. Special because it was just my wife and me. My best friend. The only person who really knows me. The only person that could have shared the joy of the simple things that we saw and did. Special because by the grace of God we celebrated 25 years of marriage. A rare accomplishment these days. Especially when you start out how we did. 28 of my 43 years have been shared with her. Something I'm proud of even though I had little to do with it lasting.

It was a time of God revealing himself to us in powerful yet subtle ways. In ways that no one would understand and in ways I could never fully explain.

It was a time of extended prayer together. It was amazing realizing (after the fact) that while praying, He was actually using our act of prayer to answer our prayer. I am sure you don't understand but it's the truth. It was a time of reflection and meditation on the goodness of our God.

It was a time of healing for me in so many ways. It was so encouraging, refreshing, inspiring and freeing to experience a church body praying with passion. Not just a few people, not just the pastor or elders, but the entire congregation passionately, simultaneously crying out to God for healing in peoples lives. The Holy Spirit's power was released through their intercession . Pure worship, powerful prayer and no programming! 150 minutes felt like 30. The spirit of love and joy abounded. Testimonies were shared and Jesus was exalted. Babies were dedicated and prayed over with the power and authority given by Jesus! Simply amazing. I have never experienced anything like it.

It was a time to enjoy walking hand in hand on a mile long stretch of a secluded, sandy beach and just talking, listening, and praying. It was a time to enjoy a good cup of coffee and a sunset on the bay. (see photo above)

It was and is such a pleasure and a blessing just knowing that we are the only two people in the world that would have thought that this was a great vacation. Most would call it lame or boring. Some just say we're old but we say we were blessed.

God is so good.

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