Saturday, August 21, 2010

Perfecting Love

Since recently becoming a grandpa I have realized how different it is from being a father. What was once unacceptable for my son will now be acceptable for my grandson. The rules were set in stone for my son. The rules are flexible with my grandson. My love is immeasurable for them both, but the relationship is different so therefore my love is expressed differently.

I believe many of us don't want a heavenly father.

We want a heavenly grandfather.

We want God to just love us in that soft, gentle way. We want God to give us whatever we want, whenever we ask for it. When we mess up we want him to chuckle and say, "That's ok, kids will be kids". We want God to always be happy with us even when we do what we have been told not to do. We want God to let us drive the truck before we have our license. We want God to let us win the race even though we haven't trained to do so. We want God to say, "Go ahead and play in the mud, I won't let you get in trouble". We want God to put money in our pockets without having to work for it. We want God to give us all the things we like even if they aren't good for us. We want God to give us the candy before we eat our vegetables. We want God to give us the credit, the glory and the praise for the fish that He caught. We want God to find no fault and give nothing but affirmation.

We don't want to be told no, we don't want to be disciplined, we don't want to suffer. We don't want firm boundaries even though they are there to protect us. We don't want to be told to do the tough things. We don't want to train to win. We don't want to be told, "You messed up so now there is a price to pay". We don't want tough love. We don't want to be told, "You will have to wait". We don't want to be forced to take responsibilities. We don't want to have to work for what we get. We don't want to be stretched beyond our comfort zone. We don't want our weaknesses exposed. We don't want to be held accountable or convicted of our sins.

Grandpa's love spoils. The Father's love perfects.

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