Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No Doubt - No Faith?

Can I have faith and not have doubt? I mean, without doubt it would be certainty, wouldn't it? And if it is certain then there would be no need for faith, right? I have experienced way to much to deny my belief but I have seen too little to prove it. Seriously, how can a relationship with an invisible God and a visible human not have an element of doubt? How could God reveal himself to me in a way that would leave no room for doubt? I believe if there was no room for doubt there would be no room for me.


Patricia said...

Thought provoking post.

Jeff Selph said...

That was thought provoking. I couldn't think of anything else to say about it, so I copied Patricia. Great thoughts!

Carmen and Rachelle said...

I ran across your blog and had to say something. I've been struggling with faith so much over the past year. I KNOW that God is faithful and good and only wants what's best for me and CAN give me my heart's desires, but my head and my heart don't always line up. The fact of the matter is, I'm human. And because of that human-ness in me, I have to keep learning the same lessons over again. I have to keep telling myself what I already know even while I'm not sure I can completely believe it. It's frustrating...but it's just the way it is. And I think God made it that way so that we have to keep making the choice to fall completely in His arms and let Him carry us. Does that make sense? Just my thoughts. Thanks for the good post.

Claven said...

More thought provoking thoughts. The essence of a truly great blog! Thoughts provoking more thoughts provoking more thoughts. Excellent comment Rachelle14 and kudos to the postman originator who provoked our thoughts initially!