Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Would you? Do you?

Would you pray with me for a great awakening that results in hundreds coming to Christ, marriages being reconciled and renewed, wayward children coming home, long-standing slavery to sin being conquered, spiritual dullness being replaced by vibrant joy, weak faith being replaced by bold witness, disinterest in prayer being replaced by fervent intercession, boring Bible reading being replaced by passion for God’s word, and lukewarm worship being replaced by zeal for the greatness of God’s glory? Do you even believe it could happen? I am living proof that it can and does happen. But only through the power of prayer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! Great Post Kenny!

May we never be too busy or lazy to pray! God's power is unleashed when people pray in total abandon and dependence on God!

May we never be luke warm in our worship but be bold and let God know of our love for Him in how we worhip Him! Worship is all about God and not us! He yearns to hear from us! The children sing the song "This little light of mine I'm going to let it shine", LET THE LIGHT OF CHRIST SHINE and don't hide it! Let our worship shine as a testimony for God!