I think people have meetings to plan other meetings. They then have meetings to discuss the meeting that the other meeting planned. In addition most meetings involve food and drink. Another reason to have a meeting.... a meeting to discuss what snacks will be served at the meeting. I believe the bottom line is most people would rather have a meeting than actually doing something productive. Not that a meeting can't be productive or needed but c'mon, give me a break. Quit meeting and discussing and go do something! Then you will have another reason for a meeting.
hey! I have two meetings this week, and neither of them is about another meeting.
Love the picture, though, and you're probably right about a lot of meetings. I've been in that type before.
I could NOT agree with this more!These exact thoughts go through my head every time I invited to attend a meeting!! It's just an interuption to the work I am doing. But, hey, I'm not the boss.
Amen to that. Unproductive meetings are all too common and sooo frustrating!
hey Kenny, you know what you get sitting on a board? Splinters in your butt! No board meetings!
hi! I have a meeting on this weekend, and it's about how to deal with my toublemaker brother. .anywaysss I agree to ur opinion!!
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