Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Ebenezer

I have a fascination with stones. They symbolize strength, power, resiliency, and rugged toughness. That alone is cool. I also like their different colors, shapes and sizes. When I see a stone I see a story, a metaphor, an analogy. Stones are so symbolic.

God's word is full of stories, analogies, and uses for stones. The ten commandments were written on stone. Jesus is "The Rock" we are to build on. Jesus is "The Cornerstone", the stone the builders rejected. We are "living stones". Peter was the rock Christ was to build his church on. God commanded Joshua to have 12 men gather 12 stones and he was to stack them as a memorial of crossing the Jordon. Jacob and Laban took stones and piled them in a heap to act as a witness to their covenant. David killed Goliath with 1 smooth stone. God removes our hearts of stone. Many of the altars were to be built of stone. These are just some examples that stick out in my memory. I know there are many, many more.

However, my favorite reference is in I Samuel 7 where God rescues the Israelites from the Philistines and Samuel sets up a stone and names it Ebenezer. Samuel then says in verse 12, "Thus far the Lord helped us". I also love verse 13..."So the Philistines were subdued and did not invade Israelite territory again." VICTORY! END OF STORY! THE ENEMY IS DEFEATED FOREVER! DID NOT INVADE AGAIN!!

God has rescued and helped me countless times in countless ways. When I look back I am amazed at my journey and I know I could not have made it this far without the help of his gracious hand. I don't ever want to forget. So I stacked some stones as a memorial. It is a reminder, whenever I walk in or out my door, of my God's faithfulness, protection, provision, strength, and VICTORY. Each stone is symbolic in size, color, direction, and placement. Each stone is a turning point in my life. He has been with me through some very difficult times. There were times I didn't know how or if I could keep going, but he gave me strength. My Ebenezer reminds me of our past victories and gives me hope for today's doubts, trials, and battles.

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