What an awesome Saturday!
First my wife and I head to North Canton to spend time with our daughter, son-in-law and especially our grandson Simon. I treasure that precious time. When I first took him in my arms yesterday, and he looked into my eyes and smiled, I couldn't help but tear up. That little guy is so special to me. It really can't be explained. I love eye contact with him. I feel he is looking straight into the depths of my heart. He jabbered stories. He laughed, smiled, and cooed at me but he also frowned, cried, and pooed on me! It's all good! I loved our time together.
After that it was off to dinner with my bride. Once again, treasured time. It was even more enjoyable and awesome because we had a gift card. Sweet! Free dinner out with my wife. It doesn't get much better than that! We finished dinner, grabbed a bold Starbucks and headed north on 77 to continue our free date night. We were headed to worship with Jesus Culture at the Mason Arts Center in downtown Cleveland. We arrived only to have free parking and free admission. How's that for a date night? It was simply awesome. Jesus Culture's passion is to fuel revival through youth and young adults, so I figured we might be the old fogies, but that wasn't the case. It was an incredibly diverse crowd. That was awesome in itself. I'm used to (and kinda tired of) the all white, middle aged, restrained crowd. There were 70 year olds worshiping in front of me and 5 year olds behind me. Everyone worshiping in total unrestrained freedom. Black, white, Hispanic, oriental, collared shirts to tank tops it was all represented and united in worship. It was a beautiful picture.
It was the first time we ever heard Jake Hamilton and he can rock. I like how he changes tempos and delivers his message with power. His style isn't necessarily our "worship" style but we both thoroughly enjoyed him and his music. His heart is felt through his music and through the lyrics. This video gives you a glimpse of his heart and passion.
I tried to capture the Spirit in a picture but I failed as always. Please trust me when I say it was a powerful time of worship.

It was an awesome day shared with my wife. Today I can't stop singing Jake's songs and thinking about looking into the eyes of Simon, my precious grandson.
This following song is one of my favorites.
I tried to capture the Spirit in a picture but I failed as always. Please trust me when I say it was a powerful time of worship.
It was an awesome day shared with my wife. Today I can't stop singing Jake's songs and thinking about looking into the eyes of Simon, my precious grandson.
This following song is one of my favorites.
I don't know dude, that first picture of the concert looks pretty amazing :)
I think that mix of people, especially the young to old aspect, is what's missing from most faith communities. It seems like we always separate them; nursery, kids, youth group, young adult, middle aged, elderly. You need those perspectives together. Innocence of the kids, wisdom of the elderly.
Sounds like a too awesome time.
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