Sunday, February 14, 2010


So many look to present day leaders for wisdom, vision and direction. That's cool, but I seem to find that many great leaders of the past have had all this present day stuff figured out along time ago. It applied then and it still applies today.

(Ummm...obviously Jesus is the greatest, first and foremost because He is God. He is above all and is actually the answer to it all. This post could/should end right there but I will continue.)

I wonder if Hybles, Warren, Stanley, Noble, Bell, Driscoll and the likes will be remembered for their wisdom and impact on Christianity and The Kingdom of God compared to the likes of Wesley, Tozer, Bonhoeffer, Lewis, Calvin, Spurgeon, and Edwards?

The following excerpt is from a book written in 1981 by a woman born in 1914. If her husband's question and their conclusion rang true 29 years ago, how much more so does it today? So sad, yet so true from my perspective.

“‘Edith, I wonder what would happen to most churches and Christian work if we awakened tomorrow, and everything concerning the reality and work of the Holy Spirit, and everything concerning prayer, were removed from the Bible. I don’t mean just ignored, but actually cut out – disappeared. I wonder how much difference it would make?’ We concluded it would not make much difference in many board meetings, committee meetings, decisions and activities.”

Edith Schaeffer, "The Tapestry".

More from the leaders that inspire me and that I most respect coming daily this week.

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