What is the difference between speaking, teaching, and preaching in the context of a church building on a Sunday morning?
Are they the same thing? Can you accomplish all three at the same time? Are there certain qualifications that have to be met and accepted before you can be considered qualified to do any of these? If so, what are they? Is it a calling from God that is required? Just an invitation? Just a desire? A passion? A gift? Or do you need degrees and pedigrees?
Some people have come up to me and said, "I hear you are speaking", others have commented that they heard, "I was teaching" and others have said I was going to be "preaching". Well heck, one person even said I would be giving a "talk" but they failed to say that I would be "talking" and for that I'm thankful.
"Preaching" sends chills down my spine. It makes me think of the old baptist preacher, preaching hellfire and brimstone. You know, cramming condemnation down my throat and making me feel like I am the Antichrist.
"Teaching" makes me think of my boring English teacher. She was constantly trying to keep my attention while attempting to teach me about stuff that she knew very well, but I could really have cared less about. Stuff like Shakespeare, speling "punctuation; reading and righting.
"Speaking" makes me think of someone who speaks because they HAVE to say something, but not necessarily because they have something to say.
"Talking" just reminds me of chatter or noise. People who like to listen to themselves talk.
All four scare me a bit.
Oh yeah...do you deliver a sermon, a message, or give a lecture, a speech, or a talk? Is it really delivered or given if it's not received or accepted?
Who am I and what am I doing? Better yet, do I really want to be that or do that? I don't believe I do. No preacher, no teacher, no speaker and no talker. No thanks. No disrespect to those that do it and do it well. You're all needed. Well the preacher and the teacher anyway.
Maybe my perspective is just tainted. Maybe I am not any of those or maybe I am or have been all of those at one time or another. Maybe it just doesn't matter. Maybe it just is what it is, I don't know.
Maybe I'm a herald.
herald n. 1. A person who proclaims important news; a crier or messenger. 2. A person or thing that announces or gives indication of something to come.
I like that description. Proclaim, announce, and usher in. Oh yeah, that's it. That's cool.
But can't a preacher, a teacher, a speaker, or a talker do that too? What are the qualifications and do I meet them?
I think I will just be me and ask Jesus to pour out of my heart and words. I think I'm qualified to do that. Call it what you want but please give me your insight.

If you're a herald, maybe you could say you're sharing at church. Sharing reminds me of peanut butter sandwiches.
How about a translator? Taking a message that may be difficult for others to understand and relating it to them on a level that is both real and relevant. That is one gift I see in you...the ability to give spiritual insight through relating it to the ordinary. Taking an abstract idea and presenting it in a visual way.
I hope that you speak (because I can't read minds), and I hope you teach (because you have something to share), and I hope you preach (because your passion is contagious). No matter what you call it, I'm excited to hear the message God has given you!
Sharing a peanut butter sandwich? No way man. Make your own!
Wow! I appreciate your thoughts. I am always grateful for words of encouragement and affirmation. Especially when the darkness of doubt and insecurity are beating at my door. Thank you, it means alot to me.
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