"Do it again, do it again!!!... Do it again, DO IT AGAIN!!!" That's what I hear every holiday when I'm with my little 4 year old nephew.
You see, when he was maybe 2 years old I taught him how he could do a flip by walking up my legs while I held his hands. This took a considerable amount of time due to the fact that he was afraid of me to begin with. It took time just to coax him from behind his mommy's leg. I had to get down on my hands and knees and reach out my hand. I had to lay down flat and coax him with high pitched "c'mon's " before he would finally come jump on me and pull the hair on my chin. After more and more time playing he became more and more comfortable with me. He would hold my hand and I began to teach him to walk up my legs. He couldn't understand at first but eventually he caught on. He would take 1 or 2 steps up my legs and jump back to the floor. It took time and it took patience but finally he did it. He walked up the legs and I gave him a quick flip before he could jump back down to the floor. Once he did the flip and he experienced the thrill, and realized that I would hold on to his hands...well, he wanted to do it again.
Now, almost 3 years later, whenever he sees me he immediately grabs both hands and starts walking up my legs. He will do it over and over and each time he yells while giggling, "DO IT AGAIN, DO IT AGAIN!!!" Now there is no fear of me and no fear of flipping. He now likes to hang upside down for extended periods before he finishes the flip. Full confidence in his ability to flip and full faith I won't let go. Total trust.
Yeah, I'm that little boy doing flips while holding the hands of God. It took time, it took patience, and it took alot of coaxing. But I've done a few flips now and there is nothing like the thrill or excitement of putting yourself in a position where you are totally relying on God...where if He doesn't come through, your gonna fail BIG TIME.
Well God showed up again for the holidays and He was yelling my name. "Come here Son, it's time for something new." The flips were scary but it's been a couple years since I did the last one so I was getting pretty comfortable. Now it's time to get uncomfortable again. This time He is throwing me high in the air and letting go. I am praying I don't lose sight of Him. It's gonna take total trust and full faith that His hands will be there to catch me. I know they will be there because He is always faithful. Once I fall into His hands safely I'm sure I'll be quickly yellin, "DO IT AGAIN, DO IT AGAIN!!!"
1 comment:
It is in letting go and letting God that the real miracles of life happen.
Wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and let you know, I may not always leave a comment, but I do enjoy the posts you write. Thank you for sharing the words living in your heart and spreading God's love.
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