Sunday, November 8, 2009

Have You Ever...?

Have you ever prayed to God about a desire of your heart for an extended amount of time, only to have that prayer answered, and then you question whether or not it was God that brought it to fruition? You then feel as if you need to seek confirmation in others ways? I guess it would be like Gideon and the fleece. If this is truly you God then show me in another way, speak through another person, show me another sign. That's where I am at right now. I have cried out to God for the desires of my heart for some time, and things are happening and doors are opening and now I start doubting. I begin thinking maybe it is a snare of satan. Maybe it is a trap that has been set and if I walk through it my dreams will be crushed and I will make a fool out of myself again or worst yet, taint the name of our God.

So yesterday I decided I was going to go out in the woods, find a tree to lean against, and listen for the voice of God. I took my bible, and a journal along with me. I prayed that God's voice would be amplified and that I would have eyes to see and ears to hear His words. I just sat there and waited in silence. I opened up the scriptures to the place I had bookmarked from small group the night before. We were discussing the devotional of the day in My Utmost For His Highest. It was simply the last 4 words of John 11:26 "Do you believe this?" It spoke to me in a powerfully different way in that moment. I just meditated on those words in silence. God was speaking to my heart. I was going to another place in my heart and soul. Suddenly I saw a bright light move through the treetops and then flash in my eyes quickly. It was the sun reflecting off my son's car as he pulled in the drive. He had no idea I was out there and I had no reason to let him know I was. I was meeting with God. Things were happening...God was speaking. Right then I had an overwhelming sense that I needed to go back to the house and talk to my son. Why? I could talk to him later. I was in the middle of my plan to meet with God. I conceded. I went, we talked, and it was one of the longest heart to heart conversations I have had with my son in quite sometime. I saw God through the work he is doing in the life of my son. Amazing things were said and amazing things are happening. Praise God for the small victories. I returned back to my spot in the woods and I tried to go back to the same place in my mind and heart. I just sat there quietly, listening for more. Suddenly I feel a vibration in my side pocket and realize I mistakenly carried a worldly attachment with me to the woods. My cell phone... I wasn't planning on answering it but I thought I should look to see who it was. It was a good friend and again I felt led to interrupt my meeting with God to answer it. I'm so glad I did. A friend was calling me to go with him to pray for his mom. So off my wife and I went to meet our friend, to listen to our friend's mother share her heart, and to intercede for a woman in desperate need of feeling the love, grace, mercy and forgiveness of her heavenly Father. Another awesome experience. God had spoken to me again in another way through another person. Amazing stuff. This morning I woke up and grabbed Blackaby's devotional, "Experiencing God Day By Day" to read this. It blew me away. Focus on God's calling but take the time to minister to others along the way. It seemed as if that is exactly what was happening yesterday.

Then later this morning I stumbled upon this blog for the first time. The following is an outtake of Banning Liebsher's post on 10-19-09. These are not my words, but they sure felt like mine as I was reading them.

"I have been thinking recently about 1 Thessalonians 5:24 which says, "He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it." Three things stand out right away. One, God is calling us. God's voice is beckoning us to go deeper, to live holier, to love more, to move in signs and wonders, to embrace freedom, and many other things. We must hear the voice of God calling us and respond by giving ourselves wholeheartedly to what He is doing. Our heart must stay tender to His voice in our lives. Second, God is faithful. He never calls us and then abandons us. He is always by our side. The Holy Spirit comes alongside us and is our Helper. No matter how dark it may get, no matter how hard it may seem, no matter how it seems as if the odds are stacked against us, God will never leave our side. He is faithful. God is full of faith. Many times God calls us to things we do not have faith for, but it's okay because He is full of faith for what He called us to. Third, He will do it. This one is huge for me. It seems that in so many areas of my life I feel in over my head. Stretched beyond my capability. It seems that what God is calling me to is impossible. But what I root myself firmly in is that truth that when God calls me, He is faithful to do it. God will get me where I need to be. When I am weak, He is strong. No matter how overwhelmed I feel by His voice calling me, I know that when He calls He immediately goes to work to accomplish what He is calling me to. God is so faithful. Where would we be without the faithfulness of God!"

I just about cried. As I said earlier I asked God if He would show me in another way, speak through another person, show me another sign. I believe He did that this weekend. I think God just might be in this. Do you?


Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for this post since you told me you were going to seek that special alone time in God's creation. I wanted to hear all those wonderful words that God had given you in the past but different this time. Well thank God that He is always growing us and speaking to us in so many ways. I tend to think God will reach out to me in the same way when I repeat things. It rarely happens the way it did the last time. Thank you God. We are ever growing when we are seeking God with all our heart and He chooses to grow us in so many ways and I believe that equips us to serve Him in so many different ways. We experience Him in so many ways so we can listen to one another and council with the ways God has counseled us. So in that we can always be reminded to give God all the glory and all the praise He so, so deserves. I love you Bro and look so forward to sharing how God is speaking to us. Hagg

Annie said...

YES!!!! God was definitely speaking loud and clear. Look forward to hearing more ways He has opened doors in your life.

Kenny said...

Thanks Hagg. The feelings are mutual. Lookin forward to what God has in store.

Annie thanks for your consistent and encouraging words. You definitely have the gift of encouragement. I appreciate the fact that you share it with me.