I have a love-hate relationship with Tuesday nights. I hate Tuesday nights because I know there will be no time with my wife due to the womens bible study. I love Tuesday nights because I get leftovers. I love leftovers. Some things just taste better warmed up; like chili. Although I think what I like best about leftovers is that they are quick and easy. A minute or two in the microwave and presto! I have a hot meal. No dirty dishes, not much time and so simple a caveman can do it! Leftovers are simple and convenient. I love 'em! God doesn't.
God wants our best, deserves our best and demands our best. Is this what I am giving Him? Am I giving Him my best or just what's left? How many days do I crawl out of bed and get ready for work and then hurry and rush through my devotions? I read it, but do I allow Him to speak to my heart through it? Do I expect microwave spiritual maturity and development? Do I give God the first part of my day or do I do everything else and then give Him whatever is left? Prayer? Oh boy! How many times do I just skip it all together? How many times do I rush through it because I'm late, or tired, or hungry, or have other stuff I need to do? Is God pleased with my microwaved prayers? Prayers made from a few quick words from the top of my head instead of thoughts and meditations from my heart? Am I giving Him my best or what's left? Man I am so guilty of this!
Do I love Him with my whole heart? Or what's left after my spouse, my kids, my career, my golf game, my house, car, bank account, and perfectly manicured lawn? Does He have my whole heart? Does God get more of my time than the soccer or baseball field? How about the computer or TV? Does God get more of my finances than the movie theater or pizza shop or Best Buy? Am I reading God's Word more than the newspaper or Sports Illustrated? Am I spending more energy working out the physical man instead of the spiritual man? You get the point.
I must admit those left overs are not as appealing as when they are first prepared and put on the table. The sight and smell of the fresh dish prepared on the table is amazing. I know effort, skill and time were not compromised. When I look at the leftovers on a plate wrapped in plastic wrap I don't smell and see the same thing. I see dinner in 2 minutes and little work or sacrifice on my part. Ease and convenience is what I'm looking for. God on the other hand, is looking for my heart, love, passion and commitment to Him.
"But when you present the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? And when you present the lame and sick, is it not evil? Why not offer it to your governor? Would he be pleased with you? Or would he receive you kindly?" says the LORD of hosts. Malachi 1:8 NASB
God calls our leftovers evil.
It is time for me to give God what's right, not what's left.
Boy is all that true! I was just telling Penny yesterday how I get up and do my devotions in the morning and think I did my "good deed" for the day. Am I really listening? Many times I'm thinking "if I hurry, I can get a few more minutes of sleep." God does deserve better than that. I will be working on that. Thanks! Susan V.
I agree totally with your post! Great post, great point! Can I get you to explain the verse a bit? Is it referencing those with disabilities, or special needs as "leftover" and therefore not as good before God?
thank you, Kelly
My interpretation is that this is about disobedience. God instructed Moses to make sure all sacrifices were without defect. The priests were being disobedient and bringing the animals with defects to the alter. It isn't about disabilities or defects. It is about loving God with our whole heart and obeying His commands.
Grace and peace,
This was very thought provoking. I realize I often think I am putting God first but He ultimately does not get my full undivided attention. I know He never gives me leftovers, so it's time to start returning the favor. Thank you for your insightfulness. It has made a difference.
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