I remember some time back when a worship leader sang a "special" song at church. When I say "special", I mean a song that is not normally sung on Sunday mornings. A song that is secular, but the words fit or tie in with the message the pastor is giving that particular week. Anyway, I remember that song and how it spoke to me in a different way that day. I also remember the negative feedback that was given to the pastors and leaders of the church by a select few. "That song should have never been sung in a church! It has absolutely no worship value."
Ok. Number one, it was not presented as a worship song. No one was asked to stand and sing along. It was presented, I believe, to drive home the message that the pastor just delivered. It fit perfectly.
Number two, who are we to determine worship value? Granted, this song might not have had any worship value for this particular person, but is he or she the deciding factor for everyone else? Isn't worship an attitude of the heart? Isn't worship really only truly known by God and the individual? Does it have to be a hymn or a song labeled as praise and worship to have worship value?
We often judge so quickly by the external. If we are singing, "How Great Is Our God", and I have my eyes closed with my hands in the air, does this mean I'm worshiping? Maybe, maybe not. I could be so focused on myself that God is an afterthought. I could be so focused on God that I don't even know where I am. Who is to know or judge? Can I also be singing a secular song and have the same feelings and expressions? If it's not christian music can it be worship? I understand some music is pure anti-God. Some music is pro-God. But isn't some music left for our own interpretation?
The bottom line is, we like to listen and judge by what comes out of the speakers. On the other hand God, our Great Physician, pulls out his stethoscope and listens and judges by what comes out of our heart.
You can be critical and find some questionable statements in these lyrics. You can say it wasn't written to worship God. All I know is when I sing it to God it has worship value. I know because it is in my heart. God knows because he looks at the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7B ...The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
FYI -This is not the song I was referring to earlier and I love to snuggle with my wife.
Amen Amen Amen!!! I knew there was a reason I liked you-besides the fact that you married the most incredible woman in the world!!!
So what IS the song you were referring to earlier? :) I agree with you. Some songs can mean different things to different people. And just because WE might not be impacted by a certain song, doesn't mean that it didn't touch someone else who heard it. God can use it all.
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