I have a friend that I've known for most of my life. When I was wrapped up in my addictions we spent significant time together. Obviously when Jesus came into my heart my life radically changed. This friend was the only one to come up to me and tell me he was happy for me. He said he could see the change in me. He said I seemed so happy and my attitude was so positive. I remember this so vividly. This was my first time to share my faith with a lost friend. I told him he could have what I had. He cut me off quickly and said, "No, I have to get my life together first. I'm not going to go to church on Sunday and live the rest of my life like this." That's when I said you're never gonna get your life together on your own. You need to come as you are and God will transform you. That's how it happened for me. If you wait to get your life together you will never go. This conversation went on for several minutes. Much time passed and he continued living that lifestyle. I invited him to church one Easter and he said yes! I was pumped! We went and he said he enjoyed himself. He just felt like he had messed up too much. He felt like he couldn't be forgiven and change was too difficult. Well, he continued down that path and bad decision after bad decision has landed him in prison. He has been on my heart alot lately. I need to go see him. If he wants what I have I know where to get it. Maybe God caged him up so I would know where to find him. Maybe it's his time now, to come as he is.
That story leads me to this. Charlie Hall is one of my favorite worship leaders. I love this song. I love cardboard testimonies. I pray my friend hears this song in his heart and will one day hold his piece of cardboard.
I had a similar friend, in fact I've had several, but i'll focus on Jeff for the sake of this conversation.
Jeff and i used to hang together, we loved music and the party scene. Jeff is a very accomplished drummer and had played in the local bars as well as traveling the country playing music.
We were very tight, so as you can imagine, when I got saved and especially when I started acting like i was saved (you know what i mnean.....ha!), when i actually started to serve God with my life, i wanted to share with everyone who i was close to. So i had my conversation with Jeff and he was like your friend in your blog, he really didn't want to hear it and had his own opinions about spiritual things. We continued to be close over the years anyway and we spent time together and would talk abour spiritual things from time to time, but i didn't overwhelm him with it.
Out of the blue one day, he called me and shared with me that he had been visiting some churches for awhile and that he gave his life to God, he had been saved!!
I could go on and on, but the point is that sometimes we pray for long periods of time for folks, sometimes it happens quick, sometimes they never do. But praise God, he does save some. Keep up the good work bro and prayin for your incarcerated buddy, God's got him where he can talk to him now!!
Thanks for sharing bro.
got kinda in a hurry yesterday while i was writing and left out a very important part of the story. my friend is now using his God given abilities for the past 5 years or so drumming and playing guitar for the Lord in his church. it's so awesome to sit and talk with jeff about the past and the day he surrendered to the love of Christ!! ......norval
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