Sunday, January 18, 2009

Feasting At The Feeder

We got a new bird feeder for Christmas. I positioned our new feeder by the kitchen window and filled it with fresh seed. As I was filling the feeder I heard and saw many birds. Red and yellow finches, cardinals, mean old blue jays and many others. Our house is surrounded by woods so birds are plentiful. With great anticipation I watched for our colorful, feathered friends to come to our feeder for an easy meal. Days went by without a seed gone. Days turned into weeks and still nothing. The birds were there, I saw them everyday. Instead of eating at the feeder they flew from place to place scavenging a seed here and a berry there. It frustrated me. In my mind I would say to these birds go to the feeder, there is plenty there and we can enjoy your beauty up close. Then one day the storm came. Snow was falling and the wind was blowing. A good 5-6 inches of snow blanketed the ground. I woke up, looked outside and saw a lone yellow finch perched on our feeder. He was enjoying a nice easy meal. One that would fill him up and satisfy him. There was no need to search anywhere else, all that he needed and desired was there. But when I moved in the window I must have scared him because he flew away quickly. I waited and in a short time he was back. What he had tasted was good! He fed himself for quite some time and then flew away again. I continued to watch and within minutes he was back but this time he brought his mate. They both had their fill and I admired their beauty up close. A few days passed and more snow came. More birds came. And more birds came. Now they fill all sides of the feeder. Others set in the nearby tree waiting for a spot. I can move around in front of that window and the birds have no fear. They just continue to feed and I continue to admire them in an up close and intimate way.

This kind of reminded me of my relationship with God. God has put feeders all around me for my entire life. First and foremost is His word. There was always a bible in my home but I never cracked it open for a feeding. There are feeders on about every corner in this country, in the form of a church building and body. I went to a few but the seeds they were feeding me didn't taste so good. I preferred to be a self feeder. I jumped from one thing to the next trying to satisfy my needs and desires. For a season this worked and tasted kind of good. All along I'm sure God was frustrated with me and saying just come to my feeder and you will have your fill and be satisfied. There I will admire you in the close and intimate way I desire. I was too focused on the fast food of the world to recognize the four course meal prepared for me at the King's table. But then the storm came! I was still searching and rummaging for my feedings in this world. It was like I was digging and scratching for that elusive worm and before I knew it I was in a hole I created and there wasn't any way out but up. My wife and daughter went to the new feeder first. They liked how it tasted and came home and convinced me to go back with them. This feeder had some tastey seed in it. Some of it was tough to swallow but it was so fulfilling once I digested it. The more I had the more I wanted. Then I saw God moving in the window and it scared me. He was working in my life. Wanting me to give up things and just taking others. I flew away scared but came back hungry and wanting more. Now I long to see Him moving in that window. I know He's always with me but it so much easier to recognize when you can see His hand working closely in your life. I just hope God is admiring the way I live my life in the same way I admire the beauty of the birds. As more and more birds come to the feeder I assume they have come because they see the others coming. Who is following me to the feeder? Am I living a life that shows I'm being well feed at The Lord's feeder?

1 comment:

Susan V. said...

Kenny, we were just talking about how well written this was and how true this has been in our lives. Thank you. Susan V.