Saturday, December 13, 2008

Give What You Got!

Have you ever felt "not good enough"? Have you ever wanted to share your faith with a friend, or lead a Sunday school class or Bible study but didn't because you thought you weren't "smart enough" or didn't know the Bible well enough?

Have you ever wanted to give to a missionary or charity but thought your 1 dollar bill or spare change wouldn't be worthwhile or make a difference?

Have you ever wanted to give yourself fully to your spouse but thought your body didn't measure up?

I know I've been in all of these positions.

Although I have led classes at church and do lead a small group in my home, I've wanted to lead Bible studies and retreats that include others outside my friends and those with whom I feel comfortable. I've wanted to share my faith with others when the door opens, only to be defeated by doubt and fear. What if they are more informed, more educated, more mature in their walk with Christ? What if they ask a question I can't answer? These all seem like valid concerns.

Although Kim and I do give to the mission field and to charity it often feels like it is so insignificant. The lowest level of giving on their handouts might be xx dollars and we can only give x dollars. It feels like if we stopped giving they wouldn't even notice.

Giving of myself to Kim seemed a lot easier in the early years of marriage. In my early twenties things were a little more pleasing to the eye. The forties seem to change everything. My V shape has transformed into an U shape. My six pack abs, well I never had 'em. Hair stopped growing where it should and started growing where it shouldn't. Those rock hard guns are becoming like the dough boys. Not a thing of beauty to present to the love of my life.

This makes me think of the small boy with the 5 barley loaves and 2 fish. There were five thousand to be fed. This did not include the women and children. What this small boy had to offer wasn't enough. Five loaves and two fish isn't "good enough" to feed this many people. I'm sure, in his eyes, what he had wasn't good enough. Surely not significant enough. It certainly wasn't presented beautifully on a silver platter. Regardless, the boy gave what he had.

I believe this is what God is asking of all of us. Just give back to him and to others everything you have. When we do this with a humble spirit and a pure heart miracles happen. God blesses our efforts even when we fall short.

We need to prepare and be well informed when stepping out to lead others. We need to be in the Word and in prayer and living our lives in obedience. We don't need to be scholars and we don't need to have all the answers. If someone does that would concern me.

Even though we can't give everything that needs to be given on our own, our part is significant. When everyone gives what they can it's a beautiful thing. By giving I mean sacrificially giving, not just what's left over. Time, talents, treasure. We should all know and do that.

It doesn't have to be perfect or beautiful in the world's eyes. God's standard of beauty is not the same as the world's. God looks at our hearts not anything else. We might not sing like him, or look like him, or speak and teach like him, but God still loves us and wants to know us intimately.
He wants to use us to build his kingdom.

Are you willing to give your best, even if you think your best isn't all that great? So many of us fail to give to God and others because we feel like it's not good enough or just plain 'not enough', or not pretty enough. Offer what you have, with all its limitations, with all its flaws and watch God use it to bless others.

Acts 3:1-10

Acts 3:6- Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."

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