Wow. I guess I'll welcome myself to the 21st century. This should be interesting. I've never been consistent writing down my thoughts, so hunting and pecking 1 letter at a time ought to encourage me to do it more often.
The picture I chose not only fits the name of my blog, but it fits with how I've been feeling in so many ways. First of all it has been a season of solitude. Not because others have left me, but it seems that God has called me from them. It has been a season of strong storms. Winds and rains that have tested me and my faith. It has been a dormant season from all outward appearances. I haven't been producing much fruit in the last 3 months, but there has been tremendous growth under the surface. Growth in the inner man. My roots have grown deeper and reached farther to find more living water and fertile soil within the rock on which I am planted. The outward growth is always the most impressive, but without a healthy, strong root system, anchored in stable, solid ground the mighty tree is sure to fall. God knows what is best for us. He knew of the dormant season I needed, even though I didn't. He created it even though I didn't like it. He brought the storms even though I didn't want them. He knows how to grow us. He knows how to test us. It's so easy to praise and trust Him when the sun is shining and the cool breeze blows. How do we react when the sun scorches us and the the cold winter winds are relentless? I believe the answer lies under the surface. GOT ROOTS? If so what are they rooted in? The shifting sands of the world, (hope it wasn't in your 401k), or the NEVER changing God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Get rooted on the ROCK.
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